Oskar The Blind Cat In Memoriam
Oskar The Blind Cat In Memoriam by Layla Morgan Wilde
It’s with profound sadness to share a personal tribute to one-and-only Oskar the blind cat. May he rest in peace and may his memory be a blessing. To Oskar’s cat dad Mick, his cat mom Bethany, his human sisters Faye and Fern and to Oskar’s feline sidekick and best bro Klaus, we mourn with you.
I’d been planning to post a fun and breezy article about my meeting with Oskar The Blind Cat weeks ago but life got extra busy and now it’s too late. I will share a few memories with a gentle reminder to not take anything for granted. Carpe diem.
The online cat community burst into collective tears and ripples of shock yesterday when the news broke. Oskar, a seemingly healthy tabby born in 2011 died suddenly of an apparent heart attack in his home surrounded by his family in Seattle. A beloved cat with a large following, Oskar was born blind with the genetic condition microphthalmia. His eyes never fully developed but he remained blissfully unaffected. He navigated his world as if sighted with a sunny happy-go-lucky vibe that inspired love and laughter to fans of all ages. Advocating for differently-abled pets and kids, creative muse for many award-winning children’s books (including in braille), and zany videos have delighted and inspired millions.
Cat lovers all over the world have the biggest hearts. We laugh, coo and aw over over millions of cat photos and videos of cats famous or not. The joy we feel is documented to relieve stress. The madness of the world subsides for a few moments and we understand that time spend with cats is never wasted. We feel many popular cats like Oskar to be one of the family and delight in their day-to-day adventures. When illness strikes, we worry and send purrs galore. When the unthinkable happens like an unexpected death we mourn them as we would our own, even if we’ve never met.
I’d met Mick and Bethany Szydlowski a few times over the years but didn’t meet Oskar in person until a couple months ago. Mick and Oskar were in New York for an appearance and I wanted to hand deliver a copy of Black Cats Tell All: True Tales And Inspiring Images. There is a blurb on the back cover by Oskar.
Mick has always been kind and generous. He embodies what the Oskar and Klaus brand is all about: making a difference in the lives of pets and those who love them. Their message is about not judging a book by its cover, whether someone is visually or invisibly different. Oskar demonstrated that disabled pets can and do live happy lives.

On a gloomy Sunday evening in late November I arrived at the hotel, frankly not expecting more than a quick hello. I knew Mick would be exhausted from a long day beginning with a TV appearance with Oskar early that morning and a meet and greet at PetCon. My mother had died recently and this was my first outing to the city from the suburbs and feeling crappy. The moment I saw Oskar, I was transported into another world. As someone who has worked professionally with cats for 20 years, I instantly recognized the magic and promptly forgot he was blind and my crappy mood.
All cats are special but a few exist in their own stratosphere. Oskar was one out of this world cat.
I followed his cues and observed him at first from a chair as he played with a catnip mouse I’d brought. He’d had a long day of meet and greets and didn’t want to over stimulate him. Oskar used his tail, ears and whiskers with the finesse of a maestro. He pounced and deftly played hunter supreme while Mick and I chatted. There is always so much catch up to do and before you could say meow, two hours had flown by. I marveled at how soft Oskar’s spotted tabby coat was and waited some time before he decided to bestow a kiss on me. Bliss.
I’ve met many famous cats and Oskar was by far the most relaxed, self-contained and sovereign. Maybe it was because was earthy Taurus born in the heartland of Nebraska. Who knows but whether playing, jumping on and off the hotel bed, nibbling some food, visiting the travel-sized litter box in the bathroom all was as natural as if he were at home. He’d mastered the art of being fully present 24/7, comfortable in his fur and utterly at home anywhere. It’s a rare gift for any species.
Out of respect for Oskar and Mick I did not spend more a minute taking a few shots in low light and no flash. No selfies. No Facebook or Instagram live stories. For me the joy was being in the moment simply hanging out. We made plans to see one another on their next trip this spring but fate had other plans.
Mick’s friend Adam, the photographer known for his stunning photography and Bengal cat @professorpouncey hung out with us a while later. He snapped a couple shots of me and Oskar. I doubt either of us thought they would be some of the last shots not taken by Mick. We’d discussed Oskar’s health earlier. His energy seemed fine but my intuition flashed on something dark but I waved it away. There are times when being an empath is an welcome gift and safer to shut down.

Having experienced both many times, it’s hard to say whether a gradual decline is easier to grieve than a sudden death. I will say Oskar has left a big heart-shaped hole that only love will fill. There is no better way to honor and heal loss than by taking action and expressing emotion. Feel your feelings. Journal or use a coloring book. Leave a comment or share this post. Light a candle in Oskar’s memory, volunteer or donate to your favorite animal cause or shelter, purchase books or merchandise that gives back to causes like the shop from Oskar and Klaus.

Oskar won the hearts of all that met him. Some hearts they say are too big to stay long on this planet. I’d like to think Oskar has another mission and a further purpose yet untold. For now, farewell dear Oskar, until we meet again. You are forever loved. I end with a few words of wisdom from Rumi.
“…Walk with grief like a good friend. Listen to what he says. Sometimes the cold and dark of a cave give the opening we most want.” “Be concentrated and leonine in the hunt for what is your true nourishment. Don’t be distracted by blandishment-noises, of any sort.”

larry caracciolo
I hadn’t followed Oskar and Claus for the past few years. I had the sudden thought to google him.
I am saddened from what I discovered
I met Claus and Oskar at a cat show in Seattle. Oskar was so curious about everything…yet Klaus seemed annoyed. “What about me!?!” 😉 All the competition, I suppose.
How does one fill the void?
Layla Morgan Wilde
So many of the recent celebrity cats have died. Oscar and Klaus as a brand bounced back by adopting a new cat.
Willam Swords
My heart aches for Oskar… Just going up and down reading every story I could find on Oskar and how much of a loving, and caring cat he was. I am weeping for Oskar tonight, you will be missed sweet friend… 🙁
James John
It is heart-breaking whenever one of our cats goes to Cat Heaven. The only consolation is in knowing that you gave your pet all the love you could, and it couldn’t have wanted for more.
I am so sorry about Oskar’s passing. I know how you feel, my cat passed away last September. When I got her ashes back. They included a poem called -Rainbow Bridge . It helped with my sadness. I wish my best to you,
Layla Morgan Wilde
Howie, sorry for your loss. The Rainbow bridge poem is widely used and glad it brought comfort.
Oh, Layla … this is a beautiful article on Oskar. Thank you! RIP, sweet kitty… xo
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks so much Cynthia! Glad to see you here. Talk soon xo
Trena Ballew Sullivan
It is so profoundly hard to lose a family member, Oskar was VERY SPECIAL. The world will miss him…………
Thank you for this. Oskar had swag and panache. He’s been in my heart all week.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Danielle, your most welcome. Oskar sure has style. May your heart know peace and comfort.
Memories of Eric and Flynn
This is a lovely tribute to Oscar.
Julie Norris-Jones
Oskar was an inspiration to me and because of him, we have our Pete. Two years ago, we discovered a 3 week old kitten in our back yard
who had been rejected by his mother. I thought of Oskar and knew that the little baby deserved a chance, so we rescued him and took him to the vet. We struggled for weeks to save that special little boy we named Pete. Despite having seizures, which are controlled by medication twice a day, and being totally blind, Pete is our little miracle boy. He will turn 2 in April all because Oskar inspired us to give a chance to a kitten with special needs.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Julie, what an inspiring story about your little miracle boy Pete. This is what it’s all about. We can make a difference one rescue, one purr at a time.
Oh, I have a heart-shaped whole, too! Most favorite on-line cat ever. His baby kitty videos stole my heart and then, him & Klaus playing together took it forever. My heart is broken.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Hopefully your heart may have another opinion and occasion to love when you least expect it. Cat love sneaks up without an appointment.
Michael Thurman
You are so right about how a small being with a handicap can bring such a Big influence in a Large world. I followed his journey on Facebook and was so Envious and yet Happy that Mick and Bethany had the opportunity to Love him and Share him with the World. I have 2 cats and can’t imagine coming home to an empty house. He will most certainly be missed but made the most of his existence.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Michael, the fear of the empty house if why I’m seeing more and earlier adopting. Cats aren’t replaceable but sometimes a new right one shows up on cue. There is such a surplus of need and love to give so why not.
What a lovely story. RIP Oskar.
just found out about Oskar by a covering sit event hough it’s been a while I am sadden by his passing I know how heard it is to lose a loved sweet bundle like him I have lost many sweet kitty’s in the past but there is always one that will always stay in your heart that is what happens with the last one we had to send to the rainbow bridge even now I think of her a lot ❤ my heart goes out to you all and all kitty bundles
Tim Majcan
Rest in peace dear Oskar. Your photos and videos of you brough so much warmth and joy to my life. His passing rocked me to my core. He had given so much but still had so much more to give. I’m going to miss you so much Oskar . I want to get books about you and other special needs cats. My thoughts and prayers go out to Oskar’s entire family. God bless you and may sweet Oskar watch over you everyday. RIP Oskar.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks Tim for your beautiful comment.
Carl Harwood
Some 5+ years ago while we had our first cat, I came across a video on YouTube, it was about a a blind cat named “Oscar”. This simple video changed my life in a very profound way. Myself and my wife Riina took it upon ourselves to do more for cats of the word (or at least where we live), our first rescue cat was a one eyed cat named “Will” through Sally (now Mittens I believehttps://www.facebook.com/groups/433423816840870/ ). But this was not enough, so we became fosterers for SHUA,
and from there we have gone on to help many kittens become home ready and further on to their new homes.
And may it long continue, because there are still loads we want to do and needs to be done.
ALL this from one simple little YouTube video about a blind cat named “Oscar”. Unfortunately we found out today the very sad news that Oscar passed away and it feels like we have lost one of our very own cats.
I just want it known that HE and his family changed our lives and I am sure many many more.
He will never be forgotten, run free over rainbow bridge Oscar…….
Carl & Riina Harwood (Wales, U.K.)
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sunny, thanks for sharing your condolence.
Sending my love to you all during this tough time
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks it’s appreciated by all .
Oskar was a special cat who touched so many of us around the world. Thank you for this beautiful post, Layla.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Kevin, There were a few rocky day I wondered if Clyde would be next but he bounced back.xox
Angela Watson
My profound sympathies to Mick, Bethany & family at the loss of their beloved Oskar. Is there a preferred shelter that I can donate to in Oskar’s name? His special light will be sorely missed; very sad that he is gone from this plane. ?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Angela, and that’s a good question. I know he was donating to Milo’s sanctuary . They would much appreciate it. If you need more details, email me.
Angel Ms. Phoebe’s Family
Having lost two of my babies last year, one sudden and one expected, I can only imagine the heartbreak and devestation Oskar’s family is feeling. I lost a kitty Duchess in the same way back in 2001 and it is an experience I will never forget. The absolute helplessness then shock you feel is overwhelming. I do not wish the experience on anyone.
I am heartbroken as I have followed Oskar since his first days on social media and was smitten with his antics and smarts. Why a special, dynamic boy had to be taken so soon I don’t know. Why are any taken so soon? I hope Klaus will be okay as well as his little human sisters. Fly free sweet boy, you will live on in many hearts.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Oh, I’m so glad you stopped by. I know you as I have endured much loss. It’s awful to feel helpless or wonder if we could have done more but I believe we have a destiny and higher purpose.
Jill Platt
I am so saddened to hear of Oskars passing! I loved following his amazing and adventurous life. He lived a life unlike most cats could ever dream of. May you find comfort in knowing that he was one of the lucky ones with a loving family and following. May God now embrace Oskar in his arms and give him site and love. Thinking of you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Jill, thanks and my belief is his youth and sight is restored.
Stacy Zimmerman
Bless this little one. Run free little one. I remember his first video I seen of him an his story an have followed him. I will miss you Oscar an meet up with you an rest of you
Layla Morgan Wilde
Stacy, thank you. I was just looking at the first video yesterday. To think that’s how it all started.
Again, tearing up when I read this. Being a mom of a blind cat we adopted from Puerto Rico makes it so understandable of the love we have for these disabled furry children. I can’t imagine my life without Boqueron. Reading the tales of Oskar, is what encouraged me to adopt a blind cat as well. Knowing they can live a cat life to its fullest. Sorry Oskar passed so suddenly. He seemed like such an amazing cat. I can only try to understand the pain you are feeling. I’m sure he’s watching over all of you and his best friend Klaus. RIP Oskar.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Elaine, thank s for sharing your adoption of a blind cat inspired by Oskar. You’re lucky to have your Boqueron.
Ty for sharing a beautiful Memorial and time spent with him. We all may have not met him in person but we all felt his love.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Lisa, thanks, his love was contagious xox
Lorraine Rose
So beautifully written, said as the tears run down my face. Oskar and Klaus were a daily inspirtation to me. Never to have met him, living on the opposite coast it Canada I adored them from afair. Thank you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Lorraine, thanks I share your tears. Ah, hello to a fellow Canadian. Love and inspiration know no distance.xo
Marcia Delgado
As a cat lover your words moved me…
As an Oskar’s faraway online follower I feel represented. My family has already suffered the loss of two of our furred members. It’s something hard to face as they are part of our hearts…
I never knew Oskar however I was able to perceive how special he was. He will not be forgotten…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Marcia, every loss is different but hard. You’re right, he won’t be forgotten.
Carol Mathias
How is Klaus handling these changes? I well remember Neffer riding on my back as I used to clean his room at The Cat House. He is also an empathic cat.
I know that heart searing pain of loss of our pets. Hug each other.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Klaus is clearly aware Oskar is missing and doing some searching. Every cat grieves in their own way. He is being lavished with extra love .
Lovely article ❤️ I loved Oskar ?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Tito, what I loved about Oskar was his universal appeal across age and gender.
Mary and Sullivan
Thank you very much for your tribute to Oskar. I love seeing his picture along with Klaus. I work in an animal and we had a tiny 3 year 3 pound cat come in that had eye issues. They were removed and I fell in love. Her name is Sullivan. She absolutely amazes me at the things she does. I also over the years have adopted black cats.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Mary, thanks . Sullivan sounds amazing and thanks for adopting black cats xoxo
Dr David Jaskiewicz
Always remember that someday all of us will be reunited again and this time it will be forever ?
Layla Morgan Wilde
David, wouldn’t that be lovely 🙂
David Clem
Luckily, I had the opportunity to meet Oskar and his family a few times over the last few years. He and Klaus both accepted strangers with dignity and grace. Oskar’s too short life has left a lasting legacy of caring and acceptance of cats with “differences” that will go on and on.
Ellen Cooper
That last picture; so erri ?❤️?. Maybe he hitched a ride with the red car in ? ? and will eternally be up there looking down waving to his mom and dad AND Klaus.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, he was heading to the hotel door but next to it was the at bathroom where he stopped for some nibbles.
Jane pflaum
Thank you for the wonderful article. Of course if made me start crying yet again. Great love and great grief are inseparable. I never met Oskar but I was blessed to love him
Layla Morgan Wilde
Jane, thanks and it’s true grief is the price we pay for great love and joy.
Ellen Cooper
That last photo of him walking towards the door speaks volumes.
To “cheer” us all up, maybe he ” hitched a ride” on the car ? that went to the heavens yesterday and will be out there for billions of years?❤️??
Layla Morgan Wilde
Ellen, where ever he is, he’s probably smiling prepping for the next adventure.
Sue Duggins
So beautiful!! Thanks for capturing what appears to be a magical moment with a very special fur baby?
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sue, thanks , it was brief overview of that evening that almost didn’t happen because I was grieving.
Juanita Robinson
Layla Morgan Wilde
Juanita, I appreciate you stopping by xo
Sarah Rush
Beautiful words. Made me tear up again! He will be missed by so many and I envy the fact that you got to meet him in person.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Tim , thanks , grieving has its twists and turn but he will always be in our heart.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sarah, I ‘m teary again reading these lovely comment. I’m so grateful to being about spend private time with him.
Tim Gilmore
Such a wonderful tribute and memory. We will all grieve for some time.
Thank you.
A beautiful tribute to a beautiful blind cat! <3
Layla Morgan Wilde
Valerie, thanks, he was special xo
Diane Rimmer
Beautifully said. We grieve with you all.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Diane, I appreciate you stopping by to share xo
The Dash Kitten Crew
You post moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing your time with Oskar. I felt I as there as you told us about how he sniffed and navigated. He did what we all want to do – he changed lives and he made more people love cats
Layla Morgan Wilde
Marjorie, I join you in tears of solidarity. I’ve been leaky-eyed as I’ve responded to every comment. And yes, Oskar inspired by example. It’s what you do with your whole heart and I love you for it. It’s what we all can do by just doing what we can with what we have and where we are. No matter how small. This is a continuation of my long response to the previous comment.xoxox
Judy Galloway
Lovely, thanks. Most of us can’t be as expressive in writing. Oskar was beloved by thousands and all are mourning his untimely passing.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Judy, the most valuable expression is to simply make one. Of all the comments, yours stopped me in my tracks in a huge light bulb moment. While it’s true not everyone is a good with words everyone has a unique gift of expression. The act of doing is more important than perfection. I’d rather get an imperfect handmade card or gift than none at all. I wonder how many others read and wanted to comment and didn’t because they compared themselves to others? One word is better than none. It turns the invisible suddenly visible. That is how anything meaningful happens. We need to remove the shackles of limiting thoughts from our childhood, the inner voices that whisper, “you can’t draw or write or sing or dance or whatever”. We are adults now and we can re-write out our stories and dance our unique expression of who we are. So, thank you for inspiring me and perhaps someone else who inspires someone else and…
I just shared his Facebook page with my fiance last week and was telling her how I followed this wonderful feline for years. He made me smile so many times. He’ll be missed.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Mark, thank so much for sharing and what a coincidence. Best wishes on your upcoming nuptials.
Absolutely beautiful. Thank you. I never knew I would cry so much for a darn cat I didn’t even meet. 🙂 RIP Oskar. You will always be loved & remembered.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Kat, thanks for sharing about crying. That’s at the heart of this tribute. Not only is it healing to cry but none of us crying alone. Love is love and we are all connected.
The Island Cats
Oskar was a special cat and will be missed by so many.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks dear Island Cats xo
Chris Davis
Oh, what heartbreaking news! Thank you, Layla for this lovely tribute to dear Oscar. He is surely watching over all those who are mourning his loss and missing him terribly. RIP sweet boy.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Chris, I’m so glad to see you here and thank you. You books on pet loss are needed more than ever.
Wendy Micolta
What a beautiful tribute to a wonderful friend. We miss you Oskar. I hope everyone who mourns him does something to help a cat in his memory!
Layla Morgan Wilde
Wendy, many thanks and imagine if everyone did just that what an amazing accomplishment. Truly life changing on a global scale. We are a tiny speck in the digital landscape but a tiny spark can create a volcano of change.
Nora Qudus
thank-you for such a beautiful essay. I have been following Oskar and Klaus since the beginning. My own heart is a swiss cheese full of little holes of departed wonderful cats, it has another now…..
Layla Morgan Wilde
Nora, what a poetic thought I will ponder on. Thank you. Do you believe all the holes could be made whole again?
Toni romano
so beautifully written and a great friend to do so .❤RIP Oskar
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks Toni and thanks for stopping by xo
You took all the words in my head and heart and made them purrfect.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Diane, if so, I did my job. Thank you kindly.
caren gittleman
I am probably the only cat lover that didn’t follow Oskar but I share in your grief for a kitty that was taken much too soon. Your beautiful memorial taught me so much about Oskar and the love that his family and friends had for him. What a special kitty and your tribute was heartfelt and superb. I am so deeply sorry.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Caren, I remember we spoke about that not too long ago. There is no rhyme or reason to who follows who but our community always rallies. Much love and thanks to you dear friend xoxox
He won our hearts ,RIP Beautiful Angel you will truly be missed .My condolences to the family and fur family.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Susan, thanks for your kind condolence.
Mugg Muggles
R.I.P. Oscar!
Layla Morgan Wilde
MM, always a rare treat to see you. xoxo
da tabbies o trout towne
Godspeed your journey to heaven Oskar; we send our hugs and loves to your entire family; you left a mark on so many, one that will never be erased ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥
Layla Morgan Wilde
Beautifully said dear friends xoxox
The Swiss Cats
What a beautiful tribute to Oskar ! He was a very special cat and will be missed by many. Purrs
Layla Morgan Wilde
Many thanks and merci dear Swiss Cats xo
Skeeter & Izzy
We are deeply saddened to hear of dear Oskar’s passing. There is no good nor easy loss when it comes to someone that you love with all your heart.
We send our Purrs and Prayers to his family and want them to know that we also feel their loss. We are glad that you got to meet this sweet boy in person and thank you for the kind, thoughtful and heartfelt tribute to him.
Skeeter and Izzy and the Feral Gang + Twig & Peanut & Romeo & the Angels (who welcomed Oskar with open paws) >^..^^..^<~
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thank you dear friends for your always soothing words xoxox
Teddy and Mom
Oskar was a special angel on earth and I think maybe he was needed elsewhere – perhaps to help other special cats such as he was to adjust to things as gracefully as he did in his life. What a precious guy he must have been to meet and know and live with. I’m sure his humans are beyond sad not having Oskar but of course they DO – his spirit is there – forever.
Teddy and Mom Pam
Layla Morgan Wilde
Teddy and June, thank and yes I have no doubt Oskar has a special mission no matter what form it takes place. We are all energy and energy cannot be destroyed but simply change form.
Eastside Cats
A beautiful and generous tribut post. Angel Oskar was a champ, may he rest in peace. Purrs and hugs to his family.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Vicky, he was a champ indeed xoxo
Oskar was a good ambassador of differently abled animals. So sudden, he was a beauty. Thoughts to his human family. his family and all that were lucky enough to meet him personally.
Jo Singer
Oskar will be missed deeply by the cat community and others- maybe not cat people, but folks who were greatly moved by his courage and the lessons that he was teaching so many. He was an amazing teacher. Thank you for honoring him so beautifully. Fly with the angels Dear Oskar.. you are embedded in the hearts of those who will always adore you.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks, Jo. That’s a good point about transcending the cat community to other species x0x0
Layla Morgan Wilde
Thanks Ellen, Oskar was a true ambassador with a wise legacy xoxo
Sheila McDonald
Thank you for sharing. Oscar will be missed but he will remain in the hearts of many forever. My condolences to his hooman family.
Layla Morgan Wilde
Sheila, thanks for stopping by xo
My human met Oskar and Mick several times over the years (once twice on opposite coasts in the same month!) and we were both so sad when we saw the news about Oskar. The two of them were really a force for good, and we’ll be doing our own post about them soon.
Layla Morgan Wilde
I look forward to seeing your post xo
yes… he won our hearts… and that’s what I like about social medias… we find friends and we care for them even when we know them only via photos… and we are sad together when one of this friends has to go… so no one is alone with the grief and the sadness…
Layla Morgan Wilde
Well said my friend. I’m so grateful we don’t need to grieve alone xoxox